Watch Virginia This Morning each weekday from 9 to 10 a.m. Find the show on Facebook and Instagram at @VirginiaThisMorning.
With a little knowledge, you can reach peak physique without ever touching coaching tools.
However, as a beginner, if you start with simple workouts, the transition into regular exercise will be much smoother and fun. Here are five easy fitball exercises you can try at home to jumpstart ...
You need more than just slow and steady jogs to get faster. Here's how use another type of training in your routine.
This simple swap will help you forge more power ... Burn fat and build strength with these five HIIT workouts. Grab a kettlebell and get ready to scorch serious calories. If you're looking for ...
“If you’re doing an abdominal series the ankle weights add on an extra bit of resistance which challenges your abdominals ...
She sticks to short, simple workouts Oyewo started her fitness routine with YouTube, finding exercise videos that were easy to do at home, including Tabata and HIIT workouts. Over time ...
Wondering how many steps you need to burn belly fat? Experts reveal the ideal daily step count for weight loss and a slimmer waistline.