An analog-digital approach to quantum simulation could lay the foundations for the next generation of supercomputers to ...
Phase transitions, shifts between different states of matter, are widely explored physical phenomena. So far, these ...
Simulations of a potential impact by a hill-sized space rock event next century have revealed the rough ride humanity would be in for, hinting at what it'd take for us to survive such a catastrophe.
A new climate modeling study published in the journal Science Advances by researchers from the IBS Center for Climate Physics ...
Physicists have built a new type of digital-analogue quantum simulator, which can be used to study physical processes with ...
In a milestone that brings quantum computing tangibly closer to large-scale practical use, scientists at Oxford University ...
Looking for the latest WBlack Skate Simulator codes? We’ve got you covered! This list includes all of the… The post WBlack ...
据悉,G1人形机器人可以完成一些高难度动作,如C罗的跳跃、科比的投篮,以及詹姆斯的转身等。这些动作的成功模仿并不是偶然的,而是通过ASAP模型进行长时间训练的结果。英伟达高级研究科学家Jim ...
Weather and climate models are both governed by the same physical processes. But that’s where most of the similarities end.
近日,卡耐基梅隆大学与英伟达的研究团队联合发布了ASAP框架(Aligning Simulation and Real Physics,模拟与真实物理对齐),并将其应用于宇树科技G1人形机器人。已披露的视频显示,G1能够像体坛巨星C罗、科比、詹姆斯一样,完成投篮、胯下运球等复杂动作。目前,该项目的论文和代码已开源。