SLUGS! Ever discover something in the night had eaten holes on your hosta leaves or even in your vegetable or strawberry garden. One probable source of this damage is slugs. Hungry slugs can be ...
So, how will this year’s weather – the earlier wet period followed by heatwave – have affected slug and insect populations? “We don’t know whether they are just more active because of ...
Weeds, bugs, rabbits, birds — all of them try to get a bite out of our flowers and vegetables. Some of the worst are mollusks. Snails and slugs are notorious plant attackers. Tomato plants don ...
Slugs can be very destructive if they're not ... Because the vine weevil is a flightless insect, the side of this pot is the only route they've got for entry and when they cross this tape you ...
This winter's cold temperatures plus a long-range weather outlook bode well for the start of the upcoming Mid-Atlantic growing season.