With the conclusion of all events on February 14th, the Chinese sports delegation achieved an outstanding performance, securing 32 gold, 27 silver, and 26 bronze medals, totaling 85 medals. This remar ...
“冰雪同梦、亚洲同心”,第九届亚洲冬季运动会在松花江畔落下帷幕。哈尔滨依然银装素裹,但盛会带来的“冰雪热”席卷全国。这届意义非凡的亚冬会有一个特别的亮点——首次出现了广州运动员的矫健身姿。他们的出现不但为亚冬会添加了一抹亮色,更点燃了老广们对冰雪的热 ...
The 9th Asian Winter Games in Harbin is the largest edition of the Games in history. Beyond fierce competition, the Games is injecting new vitality into the public's love for ice and snow sports.