IT之家注意到,它还首次引入了车载显示局部调光技术,通过动态分区背光控制降低 30% 功耗,并减少 15% 的发热量。这对于续航敏感的新能源汽车尤为重要,可间接提升整车能效表现。
索尼本田移动公司(Sony Honda Mobility)已在洛杉矶开设了其首家面向公众的展示厅,该展示厅专门用于展示其首款电动汽车 —— 艾菲拉(Afeela)。这家展示厅位于世纪城韦斯特菲尔德购物中心(Westfield Century City ...
The Honda & Sony Afeela 1 (pronounced Ah-Feel-a) is the first of several proposed vehicles coming from the two companies' recent partnership. After doing some research, the best way to describe ...
Sony与Honda合作研发的首款电动汽车型Afeela 1正式对外开放预购,两个车型版本售价分别为89,900美元及102,900美元,目前仅限加州居民预订。 Afeela 1由Sony ...
The new AFEELA 1 from Sony Honda Mobility is reimagining how drivers connect with their vehicles—and the world around them.
据介绍,该产品将率先搭载于索尼本田移动公司(Sony Honda Mobility)的首款电动轿车 Afeela,目标是彻底改变驾驶体验。 如图所示,这种 40 英寸 P2P ...
在科技界与汽车界的跨界合作中,又一重量级成果浮出水面。索尼与本田携手打造的电动汽车AFEELA 1,在万众瞩目中开启了预售的大门。这款融合了电子游戏巨头与汽车制造商创新力量的车型,无疑成为了市场关注的焦点。 令人惊讶的是,这家以PlayStation 5游戏主机闻名遐迩的索尼公司,如今也涉足到了电动汽车领域。在今年1月的CES ...
Autoblog brings you car news; expert reviews of cars, trucks, crossovers and SUVs; and pictures and video. Research and compare vehicles, find local dealers, calculate loan payments, find your car ...
Sony Honda Mobility is giving the public a chance to see its upcoming AFEELA EV at a mall in the LA area. It ships in California in 2026.
Afeela opens a studio in a mall in Los Angeles to make its pitch to EV shoppers, but it will land in a very crowded ...
The Sony-Honda Afeela 1 has everything you’d expect from a modern electric sedan. There’s just one thing missing: A reason to buy it. (Welcome to another installment of Power Moves ...
The Afeela 1, the electric saloon from Sony and Honda’s new Sony Honda Mobility brand, is finally going on sale. The car was debuted a few years ago now, but at this year’s CES show in Las ...