You certainly know what you’re getting with this set: a Marvel logo. It’s not going to be for everyone, but if you've got a Lego Marvel display, it's going to take pride of place — and it ...
It was one of the most coveted Lego Castles on release, and it’s now one of the most expensive. Brick Economy estimated in 2022 that a set in pristine condition was worth around $9,900 (£7,800). The ...
Lego Star Wars Tenoo Jedi Temple has been reduced to $27.99 on This is a rather basic set, but there's a good reason for it. A 4+ Lego set, it's aimed at the youngest kids; ones who have ...
And now, kids can recreate that iconic MCU superhero battle with this new LEGO build-and-play set. LEGO revealed the latest Marvel set at this year’s Toy Fair in New York City. The Avengers ...
Released in June 2021, the Lego Art World Map contains 11,695 pieces, making it the biggest Lego set ever made. Much more a piece of home decor than a typical model or plaything, it’s over one meter ...
See at LEGO I absolutely adore the Super Mario World: Mario & Yoshi set. If you have back problems like I do, Super Mario World must have been your first entry into the series when you were a kid.
The set is quite large at 2,916 pieces. The LEGO Disney Beauty and the Beast Castle goes by set number 43263. LEGO has been doing big things recently, which for me includes things like announcing ...
You could put it all in your savings account. Or, you could purchase a next-level, multi-thousand piece LEGO set, build it, and display it in your home. It's important to have priorities.
As part of the Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy collection, the Dark Falcon Starship Set is a gorgeous alternative model of an iconic ship in the Lego Star Wars universe. Complete with Darth Jar ...
An exciting new wave of Roboforce figures are coming, LEGO's latest Disney castle revealed, SpongeBob SquarePants meals could be delivered to your home, and more in Link Tank!
“Bluey” is more than a TV show, it’s life. “Bluey’s” huge success has landed the family into having its own LEGO set that’s expected to drop in June. LATEST: We can’t get enough of ...