November is Native American History Month, a time to celebrate the vast contributions of Native peoples. Read on to find out ...
The world of the American Indian changed with the coming of the white man! In some of the prophecies and stories ... native people died due to foreign diseases than were lost in wars fighting for ...
The native tribes of California lived by hunting and gathering the abundant resources of the land. Their culture ... the American River. And this gold strike brought thousands of people from ...
Her most recent book was poised to receive a prestigious award last year from a Native American and ... space for Indigenous people of all ages to connect with their culture.
Two Indigenous leaders spoke at the Payne Family Native American Center ... has taken aim at their citizenship rights. “We have faced adversity before, and as Indigenous people it is in our ...
“I’ve written a lot about domestic violence and I was starting to look into stories ... Native American women. There was also this notion that if you could destroy the women in the culture ...
It’s the beginning of a series of workshops, lectures, and informational sessions for people to learn ... will also have Native American artists demonstrating their culture.
"It is a statement to say that no matter what kind of systematic erasure or assimilation happens throughout the years, Indigenous culture ... that Native people might feel going into their ...
Hawaii -- Hawaii's American colonizers once banned the Hawaiian language in schools. Some Native Hawaiians tried to lighten their skin with lye. Many people believed Polynesian voyagers had simply ...