At this time, trees are dormant, and pruning contributes to their better development. For some types of trees, such as apple and pear trees, the period from December to January is ideal for pruning.
Sowing seeds, feeding, mulching and pruning are high on the agenda in February – it's a prime time to prepare the garden for ...
Having an indoor fruit tree may sound appealing, but not all fruit trees are suited for growing inside. Here are the ones to ...
If you are considering adding these lovely trees to your house, congratulations on a smart decision. But while these trees cannot grow too tall, they still require pruning to develop healthily. We ...
You don’t need to own an orchard or live in the tropics to grow fresh fruit. You can grow dwarf fruit trees even if you have a small yard.
Initial pruning and training of young trees is best carried out in spring, just as the buds are breaking. Other pruning to correct problems and encourage fruiting should be carried out in summer – ...
From pruning and spraying to cutting back and attacking slugs, February is full of important chores for the attentive gardener.
Apple season may be over but the work isn’t, farmers are busy in the winter months preparing for spring. Marshall Saunders ...
Apple trees of the Fuji Standard cultivar on Marubakaido rootstock with M9 filter were utilized. The orchard was established in 1999, with 4 m between rows and 1.5 m between plants. Treatments ...
But there’s lots you can do now to encourage spring growth, especially when it comes to pruning certain plants. The key is to focus your efforts on summer-flowering species, as opposed to spring ...