From the Halo TV show to God of War, here’s what video game companies spent millions of dollars showing to football… Ubisoft is using its two protagonists to try and offer two very different ...
In June, we told you about a team of tank war-game simmers who built an immersive three-person setup including a driver, ...
tank deathmatch, where you’ll constantly be ... Panzer Corps 2 is the long-awaited sequel to the classic war game Panzer Corps. After nine years in development, this new burst through our ...
Dropzone Commander has had sweet tanks in 10mm scale for over a decade - now they’re finally getting blown up as big as ...
"Who won the Jets-Colts game ... gas tank rattling, so I rushed outside with a shotgun and fired both barrels into the darkness. Poachers! I thought. Blow their heads off! This is War!
How did the guns operate? How was the fuel stored? What were conditions like inside? Find out with this animated version of a Mark 1 Tank.
Moran breaks down the accuracy of World War II tank history and battle tactics in ... He is the in-house historian for the online game "World of Tanks," and he has a YouTube channel covering ...
The simulation was overseen by the Center for New American Security think tank, whose experts played ... Select Committee engage in a fictional war game to decide the American response to the ...