Good Inside, Coursera, Sphero, and seven other companies changing how students learn are Fast Company's 2025 Most Innovative Companies in education.
With an emotional presentation about literacy and determination, Deon Butler made an impression on an audience of 60 to 70 ...
T.J. Williams is not a quitter. Just ask her kindergarten students at Whittier Elementary School.Williams had always wanted ...
Making and keeping friends can be challenging, but for neurodivergent children, these challenges become more complicated.
Thoughts from one former public school teacher who now homeschools her kids on how the Utah Fits All scholarship has helped ...
Chris Kasmer is running with the 230 United party for his first full term on the CHSD 230 Board of Education in the April 1 ...
Movivational speaker and former Detroit Lions player Deon Butler cherishes reading to his 3-year-old daughter every night before bed.