皇家马斯登医院自2018年开始进行肿瘤NGS检测项目,每年的NGS检测量超过3万例,全自动化检测和人工智能已经渗透到分子检测的各个环节。在英国绝大多数患者的治疗方案都需要结合NGS检测结果和多学科团队(MDT)讨论来制定,但是NGS检测时间通常需要一 ...
全球贸易预计增加20万包,达到4270万包。巴基斯坦、孟加拉国和埃及的进口预测增加,抵消中国减少的50万包。巴西和土耳其的出口预计增加,抵消澳大利亚和埃及出口的减少。全球期末库存略微下降至7830万包,原因是巴西、土耳其和阿根廷的减少抵消了中国和澳大 ...
得益于中国政府为刺激国内需求而采取的措施,今年前两个月中国经济活动大多好于市场预期。 国家统计局周一表示,中国1-2月社会消费品零售总额同比增长4.0%,高于去年12月3.7%的增幅。社会消费品零售总额是衡量消费的主要指标。
Celebrate St Patrick's Day weekend with three days of discounted drinks and green beer at Shanghai’s oldest Irish Pub. Doors ...
A Chinese research team has developed an AI tool that predicts liver cancer recurrence risk with 82.2 percent accuracy, ...
China's airports are more than just transit points - they're architectural marvels and worthy destinations in their own right ...
SKOPJE, March 16 (Xinhua) -- At least 59 people have died, and over 100 others have been hospitalized after a devastating fire broke out on Sunday at a nightclub in Kocani, North Macedonia, local ...
BAGHDAD, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani emphasized on Sunday that de-escalation and dialogue are the most effective paths to resolving crises in a region as ...
据悉,作为第五届中国国际消费品博览会(以下简称“消博会”)的重要分会场“三亚游艇嘉年华”将于4月15日至18日在三亚国际游艇中心举办,并设置鸿洲国际游艇码头和半山半岛帆船港两个分会场。 It is reported that the "2025 ...
The construction of the Shanghai facility of the National Emergency Medical Rescue Base began at Ruijin Hospital on Monday.
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...