Under the colorless but canny leadership of Aimee’s 34-year-old son, dapper “Dr.” Rolf ... When it came time for the hymn-sing, a brass band arrived, diplomas were handed out, and 123 ...
Choose your all-time number one from ... melodies and gets its name, “Old Hundredth”, from its association with Kethe’s translation. A popular hymn for children and well-known by two ...
I challenge you to review some of your old ... lyrics, celebrating them as part of our tradition of growing spiritually, each hymn representing its own understanding in a particular place and time.
So, the wokeism-as-religion meme is a few years old now. And yet it’s still gathering ... But we don’t throw parties every time someone falls in love. We throw parties when that love inspires ...
In his new book, “Believe,” Douthat makes a case for name-brand religion, saying the world ... his family spent time in charismatic Christian circles after meeting a traveling faith healer ...