Since the first farmers tilled the soil more than 10,000 years ago, the plow has been the essential tool of human survival.
Typically, modern food production includes damaging practices like tilling the soil ... Overcoming this aversion is an essential task if farming is going to become more sustainable in the future ...
Lisa Blazure, soil health coordinator with Stroud Water Research Center, points out night crawler tunnels in the clay soil beneath Penn England Farm’s cornfield topsoil. Night crawlers are ...
In wet forests of southeastern Australia, superb lyrebirds engage in extraordinary behaviour – tilling the soil to create ...
This remarkable sight sparked an idea—what if farming could harness such natural resilience and strength? Frey tested no-till practices against traditional tilling and found that not only did ...
Steam Next Fest always tends to be a thriving hub for farming and life sims, but the demo of Tales of Seikyu takes you on a ...
In fact, the Allreds have been practicing regenerative farming before it really had its own term. “My dad was no-tilling before it was billed as regenerative,” Allred explains. “He was doing ...
Farming Simulator VR has been officially released for Meta Quest. The standalone title, launching today, offers an immersive virtual farming experience. Publisher and developer GIANTS Software ...