Africa must write its own artificial intelligence (AI) story — one of empowerment, equity, and innovation. By asserting its ...
Imagine the confusion and frustration of sitting in a classroom where you cannot understand the lesson. That is the everyday experience for millions of learners still developing their English skills ...
የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ፕሬዝደንት ዶናልድ ትራምፕ በእቅዳቸው መሰረት በመጪው ሳምንት ከካናዳ እና ከሜክሲኮ በሚገቡ ምርቶች ላይ የ25 በመቶ ቀረጥ እንደሚጥሉ አስታወቁ። ትራምፕ ይህን ውሳኔያቸውን የሚተገብሩት ሁለቱ ...
Objective This study aimed to assess the length of hospital stay after caesarean delivery and the associated factors from 15 March to 15 May 2021. Design We conducted an institution-based, ...
53% of current vapers in the UK, that's around 3 million people, used to smoke cigarettes. Many believe that vaping is less harmful than smoking cigarettes. A new study, which will be published ...