For AAA batteries, our Best Buys last an hour and a half longer than the worst. In a medium-drain device, you'll get an amazing 14 extra hours from our Best Buy AAs, and four additional hours from our ...
If you had asked me a half-a-decade ago what I considered to be the weakness of modern smartphones, I'd have said the battery life. Phones used to last hours at a time, and you'd have to find a ...
A multi-institutional team of Chinese chemists, molecular engineers, and materials scientists has found a way to rejuvenate lithium-ion batteries after they lose their recharging ability. Their study ...
University of Leicester scientists have developed a technique for sustainably extracting valuable metals from a waste product of used batteries with a mix of water and cooking oil. The patent-pending ...
First responders must learn a new playbook to deal with blazes from lithium-ion batteries. In the fall of 2024, a trucking company in Falls Township, Pennsylvania, temporarily stored a storm ...
SINGAPORE – Customers of popular home-grown skincare brand Skin Inc were thrown for a loop when its sole physical store at Ion Orchard shuttered without notice on Feb 13. Located in basement ...
Lithium and nickel miner IGO has reported a loss of $782.1 million over the last six months, reversing a profit of $288.3 million a year earlier. The loss was largely driven by a $524.6 million ...
“The batteries aren’t degrading quite as fast as what consumers had first thought,” said Brendon Green, General Manager at Pickles Automotive Solutions, who conducted the study, in the repor ...
It was started by a lithium-ion battery that shouldn’t have been there. Lithium-ion batteries are proliferating, but public knowledge about how and why to properly dispose of them has not caught up — ...
Daniel Madrzykowski and Nathaniel Sauer provide the details of the Fire Safety Research Institute's testing that shed more light on the dangers posed when li-ion batteries are involved in fires.