Acquired plantar keratoderma: After menopause, some people develop this skin condition, which causes excessive thickening of the skin on the feet. The buildup of tough, dry skin can lead to cracks, ...
Raynaud's disease, Doctor O'Donovan explained, happens when smaller arteries narrow in response to cold weather or stress, limiting blood flow to certain areas. As a result, sections of your fingers ...
After an extended stay in space, astronauts returning to Earth undergo dramatic physical changes as their bodies readjust to ...
“You basically lose the thick part of your skin,” Chiao said, adding that the weightlessness in space causes foot callouses to diminish. Baby feet describes the hypersensitivity and the ...
Itchy hands and feet can be caused by dry skin and different conditions, including eczema, allergic reactions, psoriasis, diabetes, liver disease, fungal infections, thyroid issues, and more. Some ...
NASA has revealed the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft will depart the ISS at 1.05am EST (5.05am GMT) on Tuesday (March 18), with ...
I could go longer between washings because my hair was healthier and required fewer other products applied to it daily. My heat styling was holding days longer because the ends of my hair weren't ...
The Army wants to cut down on redundant and excess equipment that its soldiers carry into battle, hoping that none carry more ...
Air purifiers generally use three main methods to remove particles, pollutants and gases from the air in your home: ...