IN October 1987, we — a group of five IPS probationers who had been allotted the Gujarat cadre — were undergoing six-week ...
After a couple of nail-biting final rounds in Orlando and Ponte Vedra, the PGA Tour travels to Florida's western coast for ...
EXCLUSIVE: Mariana Di Girólamo, Oscar nominee Tom Waits, Ailín Salas and Paola Giannini are boarding Martin McDonagh’s ...
Kylie Jenner joked about the daring outfit she would wear to pick up her kids Stormi and Aire from school in a new interview ...
Singapore Classic betting preview from Betfair's golf tipster Steve Rawlings who has all the stats, form and results you need ...
A captivating video from Gujarat has gone viral, showing two majestic lions casually strolling down a muddy road inside the ...
在皇家马德里与比利亚雷亚尔的比赛后,安切洛蒂表示皇马不会再参加休息时间不足72小时的比赛。今日,西甲主席特瓦斯发文进行回应。西甲主席特瓦斯在社交媒体上发文写道:“安切洛蒂,我相信布特拉格诺之前告诉你了,本来西甲将皇马与莱加内斯的比赛安排在3月29日2 ...
The regal beast today stands as a lone sentinel of a forgotten empire, its last stronghold nestled within the emerald embrace of Gujarat’s Gir jungles ...
The Gujarat Police are looking for six accused after they allegedly raped a 20-year-old college student and blackmailed her by threatening to upload her nude video on Instagram.
Holi is synonymous with riotous colors, rhythmic dhol beats, and a spirit of togetherness, but not all celebrations unfold in ...
3月12日,在美股上市的广州低空经济企业亿航智能披露了2024年四季度及全年业绩。财报显示,2024年全年亿航共交付216架EH216系列无人驾驶电动垂直起降(eVTOL)航空器,较2023年增长315.4%;总营收4.56亿元人民币,同比增长288 ...
【环球网消费报道 记者 刘晓旭】随着网络购物的普及,消费者在享受便捷购物体验的同时,也面临着越来越多的消费陷阱。为了维护消费者的合法权益,提高消费者的风险防范意识,中国消费者协会根据近期投诉热点,发布了以下消费提示,帮助消费者在网络购物中规避风险。