In the midst of the Vietnam War, an unexpected player emerged – the Cessna A-37 Dragonfly, affectionately known as the S ...
the People's Army of North Vietnam bombarded the US Marine garrison at Khe Sanh in South Vietnam. The siege lasted 77 days and was one of the longest and most gruesome battles in the war.
It also demonstrated the US people’s changing feelings about the Vietnam War. By 1969, Johnson was hugely unpopular (there were lots of anti-war protests) and Richard Nixon had won the recent ...
This, he says, is how Richard Nixon got sucked into Vietnam and transformed it from Lyndon Johnson’s war to his own.
He has won an Academy of American Poets Prize ... For a Vietnamese to write about the Vietnam war is to write about one's self-definition: the war touched every aspect of one's reality -- personal ...
I relaxed: I'd won my reprieve. I assumed then ... and we could get clearance and go out. The protocols of war were liquid in Vietnam. It wasn't my mother's war. It felt amorphous.
Carl Larson of Seattle fought on Ukraine’s front lines for six months, an experience he describes as “horrific.” ...