Pew found a huge age gap, with young adults overwhelmingly less religious than their elders—some 46 percent of the youngest Americans identify as Christian, compared to 80 percent of the oldest adults ...
Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are five of the biggest religions in the world. Over the last few thousand years, these religious groups have shaped the course of history and ...
Christianity is currently the world's largest religion with over 2 billion followers. Beginning with the son of a Jewish carpenter, the religion was spread around the world first by Jesus's ...
The share of Americans who identify as Christian continues to fall across the U.S, with the exception of two states, a ...
The dawn-to-dusk fast lasts anywhere from 13 to 16 hours, depending on where in the world you are. The Muslim holy month of ...
World Religion Day is marked on the third Sunday ... What does the interactive local map for England and Wales show us about religious identity in our local area? What can we find out about ...
Legend has it that a headless sculpture of the god Yaxachtun at the site formerly terrified the local Lacandon people, who feared that the world would end when the head was replaced. With its ...