Hymns must teach core doctrine with clarity; increase faith in, and worship of, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ; comfort the weary; inspire church members to endure in faith; invite joyful sing ...
To celebrate Songs of Praise’s 60th anniversary we’ve selected 60 popular hymns and worship songs to help you when choosing hymns for those important life moments of Baptisms, Weddings or ...
As each batch of new hymns of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is released, individuals, families, wards and ...
Using sacred music to worship has always been an important part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In addition to the new hymn installment, supporting About the Hymns resources ...
For almost two thousand years, Christians have used music as a way to worship. In the Bible the Apostle Paul writes: “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.” The word ...
The worship committee designs each service, often writing prayers and hymns, as well as observing a series of "liberation holy days" alongside Christian holy days, to underscore God’s work of ...
We celebrate all that is good about the season, mixing popular songs and hymns.” The second half shifts to the lessons and carols tradition, a Celtic Christmas worship practice that walks ...