The key to a successful flash fiction contest lies in well-defined, concise rules. Set a strict word limit, ranging from 100 to 1,000 words. This helps participants understand the constraints. Pick a ...
In many ways, 'Theory & Practice' is like a coming-of-age novel or perhaps a coming-to-writing novel. Author Michelle de ...
Books newsletter: screen deals; UL Creative Writing Festival; Ennis Book Club Festival; Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction; ILF ...
Students in Park Elementary’s Gifted and Talented writing class, and a Hutchinson Middle School student acting independently were named among the winners of Southwest West Central Service ...
This year's Boise Weekly's Fiction 101 Writing Contest tallied scores of submissions. A grand total of 82 and all but one with the correct word count of exactly, precisely one-hundred-and-one.
Fleischmann released his first novel, "Once Upon An Empire," on Tuesday. The 224-page book features a retired congressman and lawyer, John A. Kinley, who is approached by a group of investors and ...
The Hugo Award winner says the fast development of AI technologies may make sci-fi writers like him "the last generation of ...
Talk turns to their own writing, McDermid’s non-fiction piece for a Hodder series about the four seasons. “It’s good because it’s pretty wintry just now, and then at the turn of the year I ...