The ex-vice-chancellor (VC) of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, added: “Brazil is Yorubaland. 70 million Yorubas are in Brazil. In Salvador, Bahia, there are 3,000 shrines of ...
Brazil has become the global leader in the export of at least seven food commodities, following on a report distributed by BTG Pactual to its clients this week. According to the bank, Brazil has ...
Rio de Janeiro is one of Brazil's largest settlements with a population of approximately 6.7 million people. The rapid growth of Rio de Janeiro's population has led to severe crowding and a ...
Criminals are targeting pharmacies and stealing weight-loss medication in a country with body image insecurities and where many cannot afford the drugs. A video monitoring system inside a pharmacy ...
A British journalist living in Brazil has been missing in the South American country for nearly two weeks, according to an association of foreign correspondents. Charlotte Peet, 32, last contacted ...