Sepp, what are you still doing? The new NEOS State Secretary Sepp Schellhorn has to give up old jobs for his new office. But ...
Austria's parliament is set to vote on the Acceleration Act for the Expansion of Renewable Energies (EABG), which will have a ...
The new Austrian government said on Wednesday that family reunion procedures for migrants will be immediately halted because the country is no longer able to absorb newcomers adequately.     The ...
The government formally agreed on Wednesday to a pause in family reunification for refugees. "The political will is established," said Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) at the press briefing ...
Federal Chancellor Christian Stocker (ÖVP) spoke on the phone with former hostage Tal Shoham on Wednesday. He invited the ...
Austria’s government has announced an immediate halt to family reunification for refugees, citing concerns about ...
Austria's new centre-right coalition government has agreed to stop family reunification procedures for migrants because it says the country is dealing with an overload of newcomers and the country is ...
Vienna's three-party coalition announced their aim on Wednesday to prevent close relatives of asylum seekers from joining ...
Austria's government temporarily halts family reunion procedures for migrants to improve integration of those already in the country. The decision, part of a broader European effort to curb migration, ...
The new Austrian government has temporarily halted family reunifications for asylum seekers, citing national security ...
The new Austrian government ordered an immediate halt to family reunifications for asylum claimants on Wednesday as it seeks ...
The new Austrian government says it has decided to immediately stop family reunion procedures for migrants because the ...