Don't miss out on Amazon's best thrillers this month. Great movies like A Quiet Place: Day One and Edge of Tomorrow are now ...
Christopher Nolan doesn't need an image to maintain; from Following (1998) to Oppenheimer (2023), fans know what's in store ...
除了主角之外,《奥本海默》还集结了许多实力派明星加盟助阵。Emily Blunt饰演Oppenheimer的妻子Kitty,她不仅是一位美丽动人的女性,更是丈夫背后坚定的支持者。Blunt将这位独立自主且智慧非凡的女性形象刻画得栩栩如生;而Matt Damon则扮演了另一位重要科学家Leslie ...
Quaid, known for his versatile acting, resembles the BioShock protagonist Jack and is prepared for intense, eerie atmospheres ...