Google has unveiled two new versions of its AI system, Gemini, which are intended to lay the foundation for a new generation ...
Google DeepMind launches robot AI that can figure out how to ‘slam dunk’ - Gemini integration allows humanoid bots to be home ...
As Google barrels toward more advancements in AI-powered robotics, the company says it’s taking a “layered, holistic approach ...
As for the robots themselves, Google is partnering with Austin-based robotics company Apptronik to "build the next generation ...
Google LLC today introduced two new artificial intelligence models, Gemini Robotics and Gemini Robotics-ER, that are ...
Google DeepMind采用全面的方法来解决研究中的安全问题,从低级电机控制到高级语义理解。他们还发布了一个新数据集,用于评估和改进具身AI和机器人技术中的语义安全。他们开发了一个框架,可以自动生成数据驱动的章程——直接用自然语言表达的规则——来指导机器人的行为。
The two AI models Gemini Robotics and Gemini Robotics-ER are designed to give robots a better understanding of their ...
Google DeepMind has unveiled two groundbreaking AI models, Gemini Robotics and Gemini Robotics-ER, to improve robots' ...
Google DeepMind’s new AI models are pushing robots closer to real-world intelligence, enabling them to think, interact, and ...
By applying Gemini to robots, Google is moving closer to developing “general purpose robotics” that can field a variety of ...
Google Gemini is good at many things that happen inside a screen, including generative text and images. Still, the latest ...
DeepMind said both new Gemini models enable a variety of robots to perform a wider range of real-world tasks than ever before ...