Nakilat, a leader in liquefied natural gas (LNG) shipping and maritime transportation, has celebrated a significant milestone ...
A decade-long competition between HD Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) and Hanwha Ocean to win the KDDX project is expected to ...
Tsakos Energy Navigation has ordered nine suezmax shuttle tankers in South Korea. A signing ceremony was held in Athens on ...
In the biggest single newbuilding deal contracted by a Greek ship owner in recent memory, Tsakos Energy Navigation (TEN) ...
2024年9月,一艘长约210米、排水量达4万吨的美国海军军舰缓缓驶入韩国庆尚南道巨济的韩华海洋(Hanwha Ocean)造船厂。这艘舰艇便是美国海军的后勤支援舰“沃利·西拉”号(USNS Wally ...
GYEONGSANGNAM-DO, Republic of Korea – Military Sealift Command’s (MSC) Lewis and Clark-class dry cargo ship USNS Wally ...
DNV has issued an approval in principle for a newly developed LCO₂ carrier design, a project undertaken by Shell and Brevik Engineering. The ve ...
South Korea conducted major maintenance on an US dry cargo ship, "a landmark achievement," the US Naval Forces Korea ...
Deal aims for development of ’standardised’ AI-enabled, floating gas power units, with initial deployment targeted for UK and ...
DNV has awarded a detailed Approval in Principle (AiP) to Shell International Trading and Shipping Company and Brevik ...
The first of three offshore substations for the 2.6-GW Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) Commercial project in the US has ...
ASFAT AS, a defence company affiliated with Turkey’s Ministry of National Defence (MoD), has partnered with Thailand’s ...