The tablets don’t come cheap, and with Apple releasing so many models it can be confusing to figure out which one best fits ...
Realme P3 launches in India with Snapdragon 6 Gen 4, 6,000mAh battery, AMOLED display, and advanced cooling for gaming.
Amazon has the 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB models down at $399, $499, and $699 shipped, respectively. That’s a straight up $100 ...
Realme P3x and Realme P3 Pro wallpapers are here, you can freely download all these wallpapers in high quality.
Apple's iPad took a two-year holiday, but just got a refresh. Here's what's changed and what's remained the same, ...
据相关消息显示,爆料者桑尼•迪克森近期分享了一组关于iPhone17系列手机模型的照片,其中还附有中文标注的尺寸信息。这些模型揭示了苹果新一代手机的多个设计亮点,包括Air和Pro系列机型的新相机装饰设计、机身厚度的变化等。此外,照片还暗示iPhon ...
根据最新消息,苹果公司计划在今年9月推出一款名为iPhone17Air的新机型。据透露,这款手机在美国市场的起售价大约为899美元,与目前在售的iPhone16Plus起售价相同。这一定价策略符合市场预期,因为业内普遍猜测Air系 ...
据悉,前几代iPad都是在设备背面下方印上两行字样, 第一行是“Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China”,第二行是“设备型号+便携式电脑 中国制造”的字样。 核心配置上,iPad ...
Apple is one of the market leaders in tablets for good reason. So here are a few key reasons why iPads are better than ...