在智能手机市场快速迭代的当下,许多用户往往每隔一两年就会更换新手机以追求更好的使用体验。然而,近日一名网友在论坛上分享了自己从iPhone 6S Plus升级到iPhone 16 Plus的独特经历。这名网友在帖子中坦言,自己使 ...
At least one person was killed in a reported wrong-way crash on the 405 Freeway in Encino, prompting the closure of all ...
A crash on I-26 eastbound near Summerville is causing traffic delays and closures. Emergency crews are on the scene of the ...
What started as a conversation about a new app, became a story about how new technology from a company called Paragonix has transformed organ transplants.
根据发改委数据显示,2025 年春节假期全国以旧换新消费超预期:总销量达 860 万台(套),同比增长 40%,手机贡献 45% 销售额。其中智能手机成主力消费品类,电商平台手机以旧换新销售额占比 70%,电视销额激增 227%。据相关媒体报道,财政部已拨付首期 810 亿元资金支持政策实施。相关分析师也指出,消费电子迭代周期缩短至 2.1 年,政策红利或带动全年手机出货量提升 15%。 来源 ...