In the heart of French football, a highly anticipated clash is set to unfold as Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) takes on their long-time rivals Marseille in an exciting Ligue 1 match. This encounter not onl ...
In the upcoming Ligue 1 clash, Brest is set to host Reims in a match that promises to exhibit two contrasting styles of play. This article will delve into the current form of both teams, their ...
凌晨4点欧冠18亿2强狂飙:英超法甲霸主互砍 金球奖2大热门正面PK 一场4-1,改变金球奖格局!法甲新星,35场贡献34球,优于姆巴佩 一场1-1,令金球奖变天!头号大热出局,法甲一哥第三姆巴佩登顶 ...
多特历史25战法甲球队11胜7平7负,里尔12战德甲球队2胜5平5负 狂轰4球!B费点球戴帽引争议,曼联晋级靠裁判?下场对阵法甲劲敌恐翻车! 三级欧战8强出炉!英超5队领跑,西甲4队,意甲、德甲3队,法甲2队 【法甲】尼斯 vs 欧塞尔,昨日一片红海,今晚是否还会存在 法甲媒体透露:里尔前锋戴维接受采访时表示,他会在赛季结束离开里尔,开启新的挑战 法甲:尼斯VS欧塞尔 尼斯主场优势尽显,力克欧塞尔 ...