A lab-on-a-chip is a class of device that integrates and automates multiple laboratory techniques into a system that fits on a chip up to a maximum of a few square centimetres in size. By ...
Redbud has introduced its microfluidics sample prep platform, called Redbud NA1, for use in research and surveillance for ...
据麦姆斯咨询报道,近日,广东奥素液芯微纳科技有限公司(简称“奥素科技”)的创新技术再次获得国际认可,荣登权威期刊Lab on a ...
Researchers are working to move cold atom quantum experiments and applications from the laboratory tabletop to chip-based systems ... environment of the lab, for applications such as gravitational ...
Researchers developed a photonic system that traps cold atoms with chip-scale optics, making quantum technology more compact and accessible ... durable device that could be deployed outside of the ...
The advance of technology has allowed organ-on-a-chip technology, which uses microfluidics to mimic the physiology and functionality of human organs on a chip. This technology could more ...
According to the companies, their combined technologies will support healthcare researchers in creating complex designs with ...
Soft lithography and 3D printing are two nanofabrication techniques, each offering advantages for microfluidics and ...
Federal funding supports engineer Jeff Wang's work to create affordable devices that expand access to health care, leading to ...