The Arizona Game and Fish Department confirmed 38 coyotes have now been found dead so far near the Pantano Wash.
State wildlife authorities continue to collect dead coyotes from the Pantano Wash on Tucson's east side, where 32 of the ...
Arizona wildlife officials say that three pet dogs and at least 18 wild animals appear to have been killed by deliberate ...
TUCSON, Ariz. (KVOA) — A dog owner is heartbroken after losing his dog to poison. Fritz Neuhauser has lived in on the ...
AZGF is investigating after over a dozen animals died from poison ...
Game and Fish officials urged owners who hike in Pantano Wash in Tucson to keep pets on a leash due to more than 30 animals ...
Wildlife officials suspect coyotes, dogs and other wildlife died after poison was left in a popular hiking area in southern ...
More than 30 animals in Tucson have died in what appears to be intentional poisoning. Arizona Game and Fish reported the ...
Officers discovered several dead coyotes, javelinas and dogs near Pantano Wash in late January. Since then, the number of dead animals has risen to 32 coyotes, three pet dogs, three javelinas and ...
Officers discovered several dead coyotes, javelinas and dogs near Pantano Wash in Tucson in late January. Since then, the number of dead animals has risen to 28 coyotes, three pet dogs ...
Officers discovered several dead coyotes, javelinas and dogs near Pantano Wash in Tucson in late January. Since then, the number of dead animals has risen to 28 coyotes, three pet dogs, three ...