Parfois, les commandes passées en ligne doivent simplement être retournées, et UPS rend les retours simples et rapides Retourner un article acheté en ligne était autrefois un véritable casse-tête, ...
Our international expansion took its first steps north and entered the Canadian market on 28 February 1975. Over the past five decades, UPS in Canada has expanded to approximately 13,500 employees ...
ATLANTA, March 3, 2025 – UPS (NYSE: UPS) today announced the appointment of Kevin Clark to the UPS Board of Directors, effective immediately. Clark is Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Aptiv PLC, a ...
Sức ảnh hưởng của chúng tôi Mở Menu Tác động của Chúng tôi Sức ảnh hưởng của chúng tôi Chúng tôi đang nói đến sự tinh tế… tính thủ công… cao cấp Khi công ty sản xuất đồ thủy tinh cao cấp ...
Aujourd’hui, nous servons des clients dans plus de 200 pays et territoires À la conquête du nord : En 1975, UPS se lance dans l’inconnu et fait ses premiers pas sur la scène internationale en entrant ...
Cuando la empresa de cristalería fina Josephinenhütte pasó de un modelo B2B a interactuar directamente con consumidores de todo el mundo, se enfrentaron a un desafío único. Sus delicadas copas de vino ...
慎重な取扱が求められる…手作りの…高級品 高級ガラス製品メーカーのJosephinenhütteがB2Bモデルから世界中の消費者と直接取引をする、これまでには経験したことのない問題に直面しました。同社のデリケートで高級なワイングラスやデカンターには、卓越 ...
一路向北: 1975 年,UPS 大胆尝试,首次向国际市场扩张,选择加拿大作为目的地。这一决策为 UPS 开启了波澜壮阔的发展征程。仅仅一年后,我们就成功进入德国市场,这是 UPS 进军欧洲的第一站。 势不可挡:到 20 世纪 80 年代,UPS 在美国、加拿大和六个欧洲 ...
高档玻璃器皿公司 Josephinenhütte从 B2B 经营模式转为直接触及世界各地的消费者之后,遇到了一个独特的挑战。该公司精美、高档的葡萄酒杯和醒酒器需要一个卓越的运输服务提供商,以及一个能以“温柔”细心的方式完成快速递送的团队。与 UPS 合作,确保每一 ...
A pioneer: There have been many milestones in Glenda Alexander’s 45-year career with UPS. Starting off as a part-time parcel handler, she never thought she would become the first Black woman driver at ...
To the north: In 1975, UPS took a leap of faith and expanded internationally for the first time, choosing Canada as our destination. This decision marked the beginning of an incredible journey. Only ...