FRANKLIN — Twin Rivers Food Pantry is one of the larger full-service food pantries north of Concord. The Pantry welcomes ...
ANDOVER - The polls open at 11 AM and close at 7 PM. Please bring your ID. You may request absentee ballots; please see Lisa Meier, Town Clerk (hours below). You may register to vote on the 11th. Ple ...
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the total sum of $40,000 to be added to the following Expendable Trust Funds previously established. ETF Technology $15,000 ETF Town Buildings ...
ANDOVER — I took a quick down-and-back trip to Boston before an expected snowstorm to retrieve the vibrant and playful paintings by artist Susan Blatt, for our next exhibit at Proctor Academy. Susan’s ...
The Franklin Parent Teacher Student Organization (FPTSO) is a “super boy band,” as I like to call it. It was a dream and goal I had for this city. I wanted to find the best way to com ...
Len Cummings, Nola Aldrich, Bill Doody, Ed Weaver, and Susan Cummings enjoy the February Kearsarge Area Senior Lunch in ...
Financiers are a small, traditional French almond cake dating back to the 17th century. Originally named Visitandines, after an order of nuns who originally created the cakes, they were renamed ...
Governor Sununu signed into law NH HB1569, which went into effect on November 11, 2024. This bill removes any exceptions for proving voter identification, domicile, and citizenship.
Due to Town Meeting, the Andover Conservation Commission will hold its March meeting on March 5, at 7 PM, in the meeting room at Town Hall. All are welcome.
FRANKLIN — Driving through Franklin heading north or south on Central Street, you pass by Trestle View Park and the Harris Corliss Wheel. During the holiday season, every year since the mid-1990s and ...