葛来仪解释,1979年美国废除与台湾的共同防御条约后,被抛弃的感觉一直在一些台湾人心中挥之不去。随着中国军力的迅速增强,台湾人进一步担心美国不会因台湾问题而与中国开战。不过葛来仪说也强调,“美国军方有保卫台湾的计画,但在危机时刻是否执行这些计画,将由 ...
Earlier today, Trump shared on social media that he would put a 200% tariff on European alcohol, in response to the EU's ...
Rob Melvill
Rob Melvill joined BBC Media Action as Director of Fundraising in March 2025.
Baroness Mone and her husband Doug Barrowman have accused the Covid inquiry of an "establishment cover-up" after their second ...
A police investigation at the hospital where nurse Lucy Letby murdered seven babies and attempted to kill seven others has ...
After five weeks of the Premier League Darts season, Luke Humphries and Luke Littler have taken a healthy lead over the pack ...
Zelensky's comments come after Putin agreed fighting must end but any plan must remove the "underlying causes of this crisis" ...
Taxpayers and the pension schemes of Thames Water workers would both suffer if the UK's largest water company was temporarily ...
New Northern Ireland call-up Ronan Hale says he can cope with any "grief" he receives over his switch from the Republic of ...
Уставом је планирано је да се одузму многе надлежности држави БиХ попут војске, именовања амбасадора и начина доношења закона ...
Ustavom je planirano je da se oduzmu mnoge nadležnosti državi BiH poput vojske, imenovanja ambasadora i načina donošenja ...