« TGIAF! (Thank Goodness It’s Art Friday!) Self-Defense Seminar » ...
Wow! The last two issues of the Star have been full of liberal hatred toward our newly elected President. I find this hatred hard, no, impossible, to understand. We, the citizens of this great country ...
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named Estate. All persons having claims against the Decedent are required to present their claims ...
Where are the Republican war hawks, their support for the military and “the rule of law”? The administration releases duly convicted J-6 felons on the streets and withdraws support from Ukraine after ...
History provides many lessons for today, if only we remember and heed them. Mid-December 1941 was a dark and terrible time. Germany had been bombing England’s cities and towns for two years killing ...
The Bitterroot Forest Collaborative recognizes that forest management can be labor intensive. We understand that the Bitterroot National Forest has, at times, been unable to provide as much ...
If you need proof that Democrats have learned nothing since Trump emerged in 2015, just check the Star’s latest letters page, where local drones dutifully parrot talking points, calling Trump and Elon ...
The building leases are to be terminated per the DOGE website. Western Montana will not have a Social Security Office. The five offices left are in Helena, Butte, Great Falls, Bozeman, and Billings.
Last Tuesday, the Darby School District gave their students awards for participating in the “I Love to Read” program. It also gave the district an opportunity to recognize a long-time supporter of the ...
Veterans, farmers, teachers, charity workers, federal workers, non-profit helpers – any who voted for Trump: Is your life better yet?? How many grants are “frozen,” government-speak for “not gonna get ...
I woke up about a week ago, had a cup of coffee, filled up another, then fired up my laptop to finish up a work project that was due in a couple of days. This project involved some heavy-duty ...
Once again there is an effort to reduce fraud, waste, and abuse in the Federal government. However, you only need to look at Trump to see his personal support for fraud (he commuted the sentence of a ...