Video 3Y0K. W1DED. Adrian KO8SCA is heading back to Bouvet. As one of the most respected DXpeditioners in the game ...
Levi Jeffries, K6JO, is a rising force in ham radio contesting, and this time, he didn’t just compete—he dominated.
6Y7EI Team will be active from Jamaica, IOTA NA - 097, 12 - 24 March 2025. Team - Members of EIDXG. For many, Jamaica is a country that is associated with eternal summer, golden beaches, azure ...
Frank, DJ5NQ is currently active again as E51AMQ from Rarotonga Island, IOTA OC - 013, Cook Islands. He is active on HF Bands. Cook Islands... Imagination draws a poor English traveler, crowds of ...
Таке, JG8NQJ будет вновь активен с острова Маркус, IOTA OC-073, острова Минамитори Шима, в течении двух месяцев начиная с 17 апреля 2025, позывным JG8NQJ/JD1. Он будет активен на КВ диапазонах CW.
Steve, KG4LJB will be active as C6AJB from Eleuthera Island, IOTA NA-001, Bahamas, until 22 March 2025. He will operate on 80 - 10m bands, SSB, FT8. Eleuthera is an island that is part of the Bahamas ...
Стив, KG4LJB будет активен позывным C6AJB с острова Эльютера, IOTA NA-001, Багамские острова, до 22 марта 2025.
Take, JA1UII will be active again as JD1BON from Chichi Jima Island, IOTA AS-031, 8 - 17 April 2025. He will operate on 160 - 10m CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8. Chichi Jima Island is the largest Island in the ...
Jeff, TZ4AM currently active again from Mali. He is working on HF Bands. The landlocked African country of Mali borders seven other countries at once. It got its name because of the people who lived ...
Джефф, TZ4AM в настоящее время вновь активен из Мали. Он работает на КВ диапазонах. Не имея выхода к морю, африканская страна Мали граничит сразу с семью другими государствами. Свое название ...
VU4AX Team will be active from Andaman Islands, IOTA AS - 001, 10 - 21 March 2025. Team - ON4AMX/VU3PFV, ON4HIL/VU3PFT, ON5UR/VU3PFE, ON5RA/VU3PFF, ON5TN, ON6CC/VU3PFN, ON7FT/VU3PFH, ON7USB/VU3PFQ, ...