JPMorgan prevé que las ventas de Tesla caigan hasta un 28% este trimestre, señalando que la crisis se debe a la caída en la ...
Si quieres que tu negocio alcance sus objetivos, no deberías buscar soluciones perfectas, pues la perfección toma tiempo y es ...
Implantes cerebrales, gafas de realidad aumentada, tatuajes electrónicos. ¿Cuál será el dispositivo que reemplazará al ...
"IT აკადემია STEP" არის Microsoft-ის, Cisco-ს, CompTIA-ის, VMware-ის და Adobe-ის ავტორიზებული სასწავლო ცენტრი, სადაც ...
Hoy, gracias a un innovador avance tecnológico, Ann ha recuperado su voz. A través de un avatar digital impulsado por ...
The panelists agreed that the next wave of healthcare innovation will not be driven by technology alone—it will require collaboration across sectors. The future of healthcare is not just about adding ...
რამდენჯერ მიგიღიათ უარი სამუშაოზე, მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ გქონდათ შესანიშნავი გამოცდილება და უნარები? რამდენ CV გაუგზავნეთ ...
So far, SNV has made 13 investments, which include exciting startups such as Dhruva Space, OnFinance,, Disprz, SuperK, Samaaro, and others.
The following Indian brands have announced their latest funding rounds. With the latest funding, Swish Club plans to further develop its product, acquire top talent, and accelerate revenue growth. The ...
La brecha de género en el emprendimiento persiste en México. Mujeres de Cambio busca transformar esta realidad a través de ...
Mohamad ElAnsari is the CEO of Trendyol Gulf, one of the world’s leading e-commerce platforms.
Dayna is a seasoned executive with 20+ years of experience driving growth and talent strategies across multiple industries.