研究结果表明,与不采取气候干预措施的情景相比,采取气候干预措施的情景将提高印度水稻和小麦的产量,但也有一些限制。首先,地球工程有助于维持作物生长的理想温度范围,但不能改变气候变化导致的极端降水或干旱。结果还表明,旱作雨养小麦比灌溉小麦从干预中获益更多 ...
A new computer modeling-based study demonstrates dual mechanisms that reduce pre- and post-landfall tropical cyclone ...
In recent years the operation of the Panama Canal has been increasingly affected by changes in rainfall, and some data ...
Researchers identify a new mechanism that allows avalanches containing a mixture of rock and ice to travel very long distances.
The U.S. EPA regulates levels of more than 90 contaminants in public drinking water, but thousands more potentially harmful ...
Scientists have been unable to determine whether the dwarf planet’s organics were produced by its own chemical processes or ...
Rice plants are a big source of methane, an extremely potent greenhouse gas. Scientists just developed a strain that cuts ...
A decrease in pressure ridges over the past 3 decades is making the ice more uniform, with unclear consequences.
The area near clouds is often classified as ‘clear sky’, but a new study demonstrates the potential biases of misclassifying ...
One decade of high-quality satellite salinity observations provide valuable insights into the complex dynamics in the Mid-Atlantic Bight.
Analysis has revealed the South Pole–Aitken basin is significantly older than other impact basins on the Moon, a finding that has implications for the evolution of the early solar system.