MAN Energy Solutions Schweiz AG and ETH Zurich are forming a strategic partnership to support postdoctoral researchers in the field of sector coupling and energy models. The aim is to analyse European ...
Auf dem Weg zur nachhaltigen Katalyse: Am 14. Februar 2025 erhält Murielle Delley, Professorin an der Universität Basel, für ...
Researchers have created a detailed atlas of cellular changes in obese people. The atlas can be used to search for biological indicators that provide information on the risk of developing a metabolic ...
Das ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2025) hat Professor Ralf Jung (Departement Informatik) ...
Ob im Rahmen einer Public Tour oder bei einer Thementour: Die ETH Zürich bietet an den beiden Campus-Standorten im Zentrum und auf dem Hönggerberg, sowie diversen anderen, geführte Rundgänge an.
Warum Informatik? Video mit aktuellen und ehemaligen Studierenden. Die Informatik ist Grundlagenwissenschaft und Ingenieursdisziplin zugleich und treibt gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche ...
Millions of people are already experiencing the impacts of climate change in everyday life. A few tenths of a degree warmer and the life we know becomes increasingly at risk due to climate extremes ...
ETH Zurich's second campus, built from 1961, is located in the north of the city in a rural setting on the Hönggerberg. ETH Zurich's space requirements have been increasing for years and are ...
In Greenland, an international team of researchers led by ETH Zurich has discovered that countless tiny ice quakes take place deep inside ice streams. These quakes are responsible for the fact that ...
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In their content, consecutive Master’s degree programmes represent a continu­ation of the respective Bachelor’s degree pro­gramme. For every Bachelor’s pro­gramme we offer at least one consecutive ...
Unconditional admission is granted to applicants with the following Swiss credentials. Federal or federally accredited Swiss or Liechtensteinian matriculation certificate (gymnasialer ...