Syria’s new leadership faces allegations of mass killings, as Alawite communities endure field executions and mass ...
In Goma, families deprived of their homes and livelihoods often wander in search of refuge, not knowing what tomorrow will ...
¿Puede la tecnología combatir la desinformación? Un hackathon en Ecuador unió esfuerzos para enfrentar este desafío en pleno proceso electoral.
The great paradox is that “Emilia Perez” could become the film with which Hollywood's most liberal wing responds to the new era of Donald Trump. One or several Oscars given to the story of a ...
Wombat grabber” is now the greatest Australian insult. To grab a wombat — look there’s just no coming back from that." ...
Las armas "probadas en combate" de Elbit Systems, vendidas ahora a Marruecos, se han usado en Gaza, donde destacados expertos califican las acciones de Israel de crímenes de guerra y posible genocidio ...
The Svrzo House, located in the heart of Sarajevo’s old quarter, is one of the most beautiful vestiges of Ottoman architecture in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Cocoa Tea's song “Holy Mount Zion” was inspired by Determine's hugely popular hit “Kette Drum.” Although their styles were ...
Nepali photographer and storyteller Nikki Thapa documents the collection and marketing of rudraksha seeds in eastern Nepal, which are used as prayer beads by Hindus and Buddhists.
On February 16, 2025, the African Union (AU), which includes 55 countries and over 1.5 billion citizens, elected Mahmoud Ali ...
'A través del periodismo y el uso de herramientas digitales, los jóvenes pueden expresar sus sentimientos y contribuir a la construcción de la paz, así como a la resolución de conflictos' ...
La mayoría de los medios independientes de los Balcanes occidentales dependen de las subvenciones de USAID y otras fundaciones estadounidenses, debido al subdesarrollo de los mercados comerciales.