At CERN, beams of particles are accelerated faster and faster, just like a relay race (where each runner is faster than the ...
Au CERN, les faisceaux de particules sont accélérés crescendo selon le principe de la course de relais (où chaque coureur est ...
CERN welcomed Her Excellency Ms Giorgia Meloni, President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic. The Prime ...
Le 7 mars 2025, le CERN a accueilli Son Excellence Mme Giorgia Meloni, Présidente du Conseil des ministres de la République ...
The principles of quantum physics extend beyond the subatomic world and have vastly shaped contemporary culture. Over the ...
Swissmint issued a special "CERN" coin symbolising Swiss and global innovation. Swissmint is the company mandated by the Swiss Confederation to mint Switzerland's standard coins, the ones you use for ...
La perte d'un être cher étant toujours une épreuve, les formalités administratives qui s’y rapportent doivent être les plus simples et les moins pénibles possibles. Étant donné qu’il peut être diffici ...
Losing a loved one is always difficult, and the administrative formalities should be as simple and supportive as possible during such times. Since obtaining a death certificate can be complicated in ...
Le LS3 approche. Pendant les longs arrêts, le nombre de participants aux cours de sécurité en salle peut augmenter jusqu’à 40 % selon les périodes. Pour être sûr de pouvoir accéder aux installations e ...
A simplified visualisation of the 23 exotic hadrons discovered so far at the LHC. Each particle contains at least one charm quark and a mixture of up, down and strange quarks. Quark and hadron masses ...
At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. They use the world's largest and most complex scientific ...