What we found was that DAF sponsors gave more than $16.8 billion to other DAF sponsors over the four years from 2020 to 2023, ...
Nine of the world’s ten wealthiest billionaires now call the United States home. The remaining one? He lives in France. And ...
As these fake accounts grew, the CEO of Wells Fargo at the time, John Stumpf, raked in bigger and bigger bonuses. After the ...
Income includes the revenue streams from wages, salaries, interest on a savings account, dividends from shares of stock, rent, and profits from selling something for more than you paid for it. Unlike ...
Previous estimates suggest 10–30 percent of employers misclassify at least some employees as independent contractors — and it ...
Donald Trump and Elon Musk are planning to utterly demolish Social Security’s workforce to pay for billionaire tax cuts.
Donald Trump and Elon Musk keep claiming that their scorched-earth approach to remaking the federal government is made ...
Sam Pizzigati, an Institute for Policy Studies associate fellow, co-edits Inequality.org. His latest books include The Case ...
From Germany, a bold political push for a billionaire-free future.
Once upon a time, here in the United States, we taxed the rich. Significantly. Today, by contrast, we’re actively enhancing their fortunes. Including the biggest personal fortune of them all, the ...