Live tissue training’, using an anaesthetised live animal substituted for a human patient for the practice of surgical skills ...
Healthcare is one of the domains in which artificial intelligence (AI) is already having a major impact. Of interest is the idea of the digital twin (DT), an AI-powered technology that generates a ...
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated potential in enhancing various aspects of healthcare, including health provider–patient communication. However, some have raised the concern that such ...
Medicine is not merely a job that requires technical expertise, but a profession concerned with making the best decisions and recommendations with reference to, and in consultation with, the patient.
3 Centre for Biomedical Ethics, National University of Singapore Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Singapore Despite advances in palliative care, some patients still suffer significantly at the end of ...
Objective: To evaluate existing ethical guidelines for the treatment of hunger strikers in light of findings on psychological changes that accompany the cessation of food intake. Design: Electronic ...
Gillon is correct that the four principles provide a sound and useful way of analysing moral dilemmas. As he observes, the approach using these principles does not provide a unique solution to ...
Objective Routine prenatal screening for Down syndrome challenges professional non-directiveness and patient autonomy in daily clinical practices. This paper aims to describe how professionals ...
'The law imposes the duty of care: but the standard of care is a matter of medical judgment'. So says Lord Scarman, outlining the hitherto accepted 'Bolam' standard, in his recent speech in the House ...
Tragic choices arise during the COVID-19 pandemic when the limited resources made available in acute medical settings cannot be accessed by all patients who need them. In these circumstances, ...
The recent legal dispute about medical treatment for a 19-year-old patient, Sudiksha Thirumalesh, (known initially by the Court of Protection as ‘ST’) in A NHS Trust versus ST & Ors (2023) raised ...