The program last night was Franco-American, if you will. Many of us grew up with a line of food products called ...
Metamorphosis of an Author” at the National Library of Israel, Jerusalem.
James Piereson on the real problem in Washington.
Saturday night was a very unusual night in Carnegie Hall. Angel Blue, the starry soprano from California, sang a recital with ...
Although the composer intended for the piece to be choreographed, the music so captivated the ballet impresario Sergei ...
On William Boyd, Niko Pirosmani, the South Street Seaport Museum, New Objectivity & more from the world of culture.
Recent stories of note: “New book celebrates William Butterfield, a master of High Victorian Gothic architecture” Peter ...
Beethoven offers two roles—two juicy opportunities—for young tenors: Jaquino and the First Prisoner. Magnus Dietrich (in his ...
Jake Heggie has been prominent at the Met of late. His Dead Man Walking opened the 2023–24 season. Moby-Dick premiered in ...
From New York, the Philharmonic will travel, or has traveled, to California, for concerts under the baton of a different ...
The London Symphony Orchestra came to Carnegie Hall for a two-concert stand: Wednesday and Thursday nights. On the podium was ...