Windows device owners will now have better access to daily news, as NPR One app is now available for free on Windows PC’s, Tablets and Phones as a Universal App. NPR One is a new audio ...
OneDrive (previously SkyDrive) advertises itself as ‘OneDrive on any device, anytime’ – and yes OneDrive has been made available on Windows PCs, Macs, tablets and mobile phones. While ...
Bing Maps is now all set to compete with Google Maps as it now has Street-side view, aerial imageries and 3D imagery for over 100 cities. A new and large update of Bing Maps was announced ...
The Dell XPS 13 is a sleek and slim ultrathin laptop powered by Windows 7 which is designed to keep you entertained where ever you go. It’s near seamless design is enough to enchant the viewer ...
Hardware Decode of H.264 media, which provides a significant performance improvement Postscript Vector Printing to improve output quality and file size Improved graphics stack with 3D support ...
The age detector website allowed you to upload images and based on certain calculations it presented the age of the person in photographs. Likewise, the Twin Detector website allows you to upload ...
The Ixquick search engine is soon to merge with StartPage search engine. The Company recently announced the merger via their official blog. As per the stats revealed by the company, StartPage, the ...
Microsoft today rolled out five new apps for its new productivity suite i.e. Office 2013. These apps are geared toward integrating work templates with search functions. The software giant released ...
The updated versions of these tools are all supported by Windows 10. Users can view the complete list of updated features of Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack on the MDOP 2015 MSDN page by ...
When we think and talk about malware and viruses, we often try and secure our computers with antivirus programs. The obvious threat comes from web where we visit a number of websites and online ...
Microsoft has launched a new portal, which promises to offer the best tech answers on the web. Microsoft Curah, aims to be a one-stop portal where all content is well-organized, and solutions ...
With the increase in the total number of people on the Internet it is but obvious that the number of Cybercriminals is also on rise. Attackers are holding on to social engineering and zero-day ...