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When volunteers launched Pittsburgh Aids Task Force in 1985, they didn’t expect the organization would be operating 40 years later.
Louise Harris is a name unfamiliar to most. But for decades, she mostly wrote her own ticket in Pittsburgh’s leading vice: ...
Sandra Brewer, left, a medical assistant and Omega Walden, lead medical assistant, at the clinic at Allies for Health + Wellbeing in East Liberty. Photo courtesy of Allies for Health + Wellbeing.
In the 1930s, Louise Harris lived with George Harris at 831 Anaheim St. in the Upper Hill District’s Sugar Top neighborhood. Photo by David S. Rotenstein.
Louise Harris’s final home, 1538 Centre Ave. She and then-husband Charles “Snotty” Lewis bought it in 1948. Dolores Slater inherited it after her mother died in 1960 and in 1980 the URA ...
Dolores Slater (front with hand on face) celebrating her 18th birthday at the Crawford Grill in 1946 with family and friends. Her mother, Louise Harris, and Charles “Snotty” Lewis are in the ...
Dignitaries stand in front of a newly installed historical marker on a rainy day last September in front of 7604 Mulford St., the house Louise Harris shared with George Harris. The marker ...
Roberta Wassell, seated, and Helen Rita Campbell photographed at the seaplane base in 1944 or 1945. Photo from the Helen Rita Campbell collection, Heinz History Center.
Rossero on the ground floor of the Andy Warhol Museum where he began his career as an arts educator in August 1997. Photo by Vania Evangelique.
Rossero standing infront of “Over the Rainbow”, a mural just outside the museum on Rose Way. This mural was created by the artist Typoe and unveiled in 2021. Photo by Vania Evangelique.
Still from WQED’s 1991 documentary “Wylie Avenue Days” showing Luther Johnson’s photo studio in the 1950s.