韩国国际广播电台报道:韩首尔市江南区、瑞草区、松坡区和龙山区的所有公寓将被扩大指定为“土地交易许可区域”。这是在决定解除“土地交易许可区域”时隔一个多月后的政策反转。首尔市长吴世勋表示,我对给人们带来的担忧感到抱歉。首尔市19日进行了城市规划委员会审议,将江南区、瑞草区、 ...
Der Leitindex Kospi hat am Mittwoch zulegen können.Das Börsenbarometer konnte sich um 0,62 Prozent auf 2.628,62 Zähler verbessern.Grund für den Anstieg seien nachlassende ...
韩国国际广播电台报道:2月韩国由于没有大片上映,观影人数和影院票房均大幅下滑。 电影振兴委员会19日发表的《2025年2月电影产业结算资料》显示,上月韩国观影人数为547万人次,同比减少598万人次,减幅为52.2%。影院票房为531亿韩元,同比减少575亿韩元,减幅为52%。
Der Streit zwischen Regierungspartei und Opposition um die verzögerte Ernennung des Kandidaten Ma Eun-hyuk zum Richter am Verfassungsgericht eskaliert weiter. Die ...
South Korea has confirmed two additional cases of foot-and-mouth disease in South Jeolla Province. According to the provincial government on Tuesday, the cases were ...
Coupang Inc. has placed second on Fast Company’s 2025 list of the ten most innovative companies in retail in the world, outranking Amazon. An article published on the American ...
The Gyeonggi Provincial Office women's curling team, which is representing South Korea as the national squad at the world championships being held in Uijeongbu, defeated ...
South Korea’s state nuclear firm has decided to withdraw from the competition for a nuclear power plant project in the Netherlands.Sources within the nuclear energy industry ...
The 40 universities in the nation that house medical schools have decided to reject the collective leave of absence by their students. The heads of these universities convened ...
The official campaign period for the April 2 by-elections will kick off Thursday.In a press release issued Wednesday, the National Election Commission announced that ...
Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman and CEO Han Jong-hee has apologized to the company’s shareholders for the decline in the value of its stocks.Han issued the apology during ...