Sword and Shield feature a good chunk of the previous games’ roster, mixed together with the brand new Pokemon introduced this generation; there’s plenty of Pokemon for you to capture, but ...
Rockstar Games has implemented many moving parts in the world’s exploration system to ensure the world is always brimming with life. One of these is confronting strangers and participating in ...
Crafting plays a big part in The Witcher 3, as you constantly need to improve your weapons, armor, and equipment in order to keep up with the challenging world. In order to craft improved versions ...
Research in XCOM 2 is similar to how it was in XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Most veterans of the series will understand that wasting time on irrelevant researches or rushing main mission related ...
Ghost of Tsushima comes with many prizing artifacts, amongst which are the Mongol Artifacts. There are about 50 of these artifacts spread across three regions, Izuhara, Toyotama, and Kamigata.
Be it Elite Weapons or Clothing Items, you need Silver Bars often enough to purchase them. You can only find them riddled around Hope County in safes. Most of them will be Situated at Cult ...
You want to play war eh? Well, back in those good ol’ savage days Rome was the one true empire, with all kinds of weapons, soldiers, and perversions. But we’re not here to talk about the ...
You have noticed that even if you have enough Haze you won’t be able to purchase some specific Gifts abilities connected to one Blood Code when you begin collecting Blood Codes and in order to ...
Just like Soulsborne games, performing Gestures in Lies of P can lead to new secrets and rewards. Once you have learned all the gestures available in the game, you need to know the places where ...
When you are set to venture into the World of Zelda, you will come across several ways Shrines, Armors, and treasure chests containing the best loot possible. The labyrinths are three locations ...
Oil is an important resource that can be crafted using oil nodes and rock in Ark Lost Island. You can get it from oil nodes by farming Dung Beetles, Tusoteuthis, and Basilosaurus or by cooking ...
Shooting Guard is one of the important positions in a basketball game. Having some skills to basket the ball from a long distance or facing the opponents by becoming the defender is the basic role ...