Al Jazeera’s 101 East – As the Black Lives Matter movement spreads across the globe, we investigate Australia’s Indigenous incarceration crisis. Across Australia, Indigenous people are ...
Gerry Georgatos – In 2014, I disaggregated to the Kimberley’s First Nations peoples, the nation’s highest suicide rate, one of the world’s highest, at over 70 suicides per 100,000 population (First ...
Last week the South Australian parliament moved one step closer to amending their Constitution to include Aboriginal peoples and recognise them as having occupied Australia prior to colonialism.
Last Friday marked seven years since the Prime Ministerial Apology to the Stolen Generations – 1903 to 1970 – but child removals, the tearing apart and decimation of families, are today worse than ...
I stood there, in my underwear. They were pale blue, with small flowers on them. I remember it very clearly – mostly because there were four men in the room who I had never met before. They were ...
From 2008 to 2012, and even thereafter, Indonesian children were jailed in Australian adult prisons. They were cooks and deckhands on boats providing passage to asylum seeks who had languished in ...
The mass incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders should be a civil rights issue, one of the pressing issues of our generation but our Governments – one after another – continue to fail ...
In a recent article in The Sunday Times the Australian Liberty Alliance announced with some considerable fanfare that Dr Marion Hercock was to be their new senate candidate. Dr Hercock is an academic ...
The $1.3 billion Native Title settlement is near done despite dissent from significant numbers of Perth’s and the south west’s Noongar community. Soon the South West Aboriginal and Land Council ...
Dr Meg Perkins was born in colonial Africa, studied sociology and psychology in South Africa, and has worked with people involved in the Australian criminal justice system since 1991. Her PhD studies ...