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Identifies opportunities for blue bonds to secure funding for ocean-related projects and companies that contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The guidance outlines ...
To demonstrate their continued engagement with the UN Global Compact, non-business participants must submit a COE every two years. The COE discloses to stakeholders specific activities that a ...
It’s crucial to set specific and time-bound goals for your corporate sustainability efforts. Doing this before you begin can help clarify priorities across your entire organization and improve your ...
Corruption is a considerable obstacle to economic and social development around the world. It has negative impacts on sustainable development and particularly affects poor communities. For companies, ...
In March 2017, the ILO Governing Body adopted a revised version of the MNE Declaration. Provisions on the elimination of child labour and other fundamental principles have been added. It also provides ...
The UN Global Compact is a voluntary initiative that seeks to advance universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption through the active engagement of the corporate ...
Provides instruction on how businesses can develop and implement a human rights policy within their companies. The second edition of How to Develop a Human Rights Policy was designed by Human Rights ...
As the largest asset class in the global financial market, the bond market can play a significant role in catalyzing investments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With high investor ...
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are universal, interconnected and exponential in nature. They present a roadmap for creating systemic financial, social and environmental value. Achieving the ...
Business and management schools play a key role in shaping the skills and mindsets of future business leaders, and can be powerful drivers of corporate sustainability. Launched in 2007 during the UN ...
An SDG Pioneer for Climate Action through Resource Efficiency in Water and Waste Management Jean-Louis Chaussade has shaped a five-year Sustainable Development Roadmap that will help Suez keep ...